I started using Tailwind for Pinterest a few months ago after finding it too difficult to commit to daily pinning.

The problem with mass pinning sessions each week is that it doesn’t grow your following or provide substantial blog traffic.

Tailwind allows you to schedule & join Tribes who share your content in return for you pinning theirs.

The neat interface helps you keep track of what you have shared and what you have contributed to your Tribes.

Pinterest works best when the pinning is consistent and spread apart, so this scheduling tool is a godsend.

Twice a week I sit down for 10 minutes, often while watching a movie or sitting with the kids while they play – and schedule a bucket ton of great pins using Tailwind.

This can keep my Pinterest scheduled for up to a month in advance, with pins being my own pins being put out 3-4 times a day.

Have I seen Results Using Tailwind?

Absolutely. So much that I paid the rest of my membership upfront for 12 months. 

Pinterest accounts for over 6% of my traffic, which is more than double since using the Tailwind program.

6% doesn’t sound like much, but within 3 months – that’s quite a lot of extra advertising revenue I have pulled in.

The great thing about Pinterest is it just keeps on giving. 

When someone shares your post on social media such as Facebook, you get referral traffic, but it often get’s punished by the algorithm.

On Pinterest, people are constantly repining your article to different boards with different follower counts – it just keeps going around & around.

When the traffic lands on your Website, offer them something good. 

Convert your traffic when it lands. Offer an incentive to get your traffic onto the mail list.

Then fire off a welcome email that supplies a great list of content you know they will want to see.

The Tailwind App is worth the growth alone, just for the sake of extra Ad Revenue.

This app has paid its yearly fee off already and I can’t believe I went so long without it.

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