Stop Feeling Shamed For Putting A Price On Your Knowledge

Stop Feeling Shamed For Putting A Price On Your Knowledge

One minute you are putting out loads of content, showing others how to build up their business.

Next minute, you can’t get out of bed.

You can’t focus, you seem irritated and the fire has gone from your belly.

What happened?

You Thought You Could Be a Hero Is What Happened.

It’s quite simple, you overdelivered and received nothing in return.

Sure, you got praise. 

Sure, your team thinks you are a hero.

Sure, you are getting a little raise in product commission. 

But that doesn’t fix the absolute mental drain you are now suffering.

Trust me, I know this back to front.

Which is why I have a balance of FREE content and PAID content.

I know how to look after myself, and other people.

Charge If You Have Something That Will Make Others Money.

People are happy to pay premium memberships for services like Canva, Tailwind, Mailchimp.

All of these different tools help a business make money.

Why should you miss out when you are providing the same service?

Often it’s far more personal and will jumpstart a persons business overnight if they utilise your products properly. 


There is NO SHAME in putting a price on your knowledge.

Let’s say you dragged your ass through mud for 15 years to gain the insights you have.

Why should you be shamed for not parting everything with a freshman?

The work, tears, fear, heartache , nights up late….for what?

Of course if you create something that will help someone else skip all of that – you deserve to be paid!

There is no shame, you should be proud you came out with something to offer.

We Need To Stop.

Stop the shaming. I get it, theres a lot of lame guru stuff going around at the moment.

But please, not everybody is looking for a quick buck.

Nobody is forcing anybody to buy anything.

We all have a product to sell, it just varies.