Skincare For Your Teenager

Puberty & Teenage Acne.

Hairy, moody, sweaty, stinky and dealing with teenage acne… sound like someone you know?

If you have a teenage son you may just notice they are experiencing some, or all of these things. Your boy is growing up and he is starting to change – as you know, puberty can be a difficult time for them.

For a boy, there isn’t just one event or sign that they are growing up. There are lots of them, including growth spurts, their voice changing, and hair sprouting everywhere! Yep…

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How to deal with your kid going through puberty…

They’re coping with changes in their body, and most probably acne and body odor as well. All of this, at a time when they already feel awkward and self-conscious. Unexplained mood swings, aggression, depression and low self-esteem are all difficult to handle in themselves. Add these symptoms to the physical changes they are experiencing, and puberty can be a really tough time for everyone!

As parents and carers, we want to make this difficult time as easy as possible. Being there for them and giving them emotional support is of course essential during this challenging time.

Nevertheless, try as you might, you cannot make puberty just magically disappear. It’s a journey we all take and in many respects it is an amazing time for both you and your son. You can however, help ease some of the symptoms, especially the physical ones of acne, body odor and oily hair.

808 Dude – Skincare for Teenage Acne

It was from this very desire that 808 Dude was born. Faced with a teenage son of her own who was finding acne, body odor and oily hair difficult to cope with Aussie mum Carolyn, owner of 808 Dude, searched for a solution.

It had to be natural, as easy as possible (teenage boys are notoriously poor at complex skin treatments) and of course, it had to work.

She found absolutely nothing that met her criteria. As she said “There are male products or pimple products full of chemicals that work, but at what long term cost to our kids?”

“I was looking for something that was easy to use, effective and most importantly chemical free with no chance of any of its ingredients being linked to cancer in the future.”

In 2012, after 2 years of research, 808 Dude products hit the market. Natural skin care products that were easy to use, worked well and appealed to teenage boys. A product they could call their own and were so simple it was ‘a no brainer’.

Packaged in a way to appeal to the average teen boy, 808 Dude products offer simple and natural skincare for teenage skin.

In an effort to make sure the process was as simple as possible the range of products are focused, but all encompassing. With essentially 4 products your teenage son can keep acne, body odour and oily hair under control. So here we go…

Tackling body odour and oily hair in two easy steps

Step 1 – 808 Dude Shampoo & Body Wash for Teens

808 Dude Shampoo and Body wash for teens - for teenage acne

Easy to use as a head to toe product using one easy squeeze tube. It is formulated to remove the bacteria and grime that can cause teenage acne and body odour. This shampoo/body wash combo contains Aloe Vera, a wonderful moisturiser that also tones and firms the skin. Ginseng that nourishes the hair and stops dandruff in its tracks, Bergamot oil which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and Rosemary Leaf oil which has natural antiseptic properties. How good is that!?

Step 2 – 808 Dude Teen Deodorant for Stinky Pits

808 Dude Deodorant

This aluminium free, quick drying, roll on deodorant, neutralises odours by using the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of Cedarwood, Bergamot, Citrus, Geranium and Sandalwood oils. Selecting an aluminium-free deodorant for your teenager is perhaps one of the best ways to prevent exposure to this dangerous compound. This is a great deodorant for kids and teens as an alternative to spray on!

Getting teenage acne under control…

Most teenagers get some form of acne, and there are many myths about what causes it. Acne consists of spots and painful bumps on the skin. Mostly acne is found on the face but it can also be found on the back, shoulders and buttocks.

Even after decades of research, scientists still don’t have a definite answer to what really causes acne.  Most likely, it is genes that determine whether someone gets acne or not. This could be due to the way skin reacts to hormonal changes which affect us all during puberty.

Without going into a biology lesson, basically the skin contains sebaceous glands that naturally release sebum – an oily substance that helps protect skin.

During puberty, changes in levels of the hormone testosterone can cause changes in the sebum produced which can then block hair follicles. When dead skin cells and bacteria mix with the blockage, it can lead to the formation of spots. As a result, bacteria in the skin multiply, which can cause pain and inflammation beneath the blockages. The types of spots include blackheads (small, blocked pores), whiteheads (small, hard bumps with a white centre), Pustules (spots with a lot of pus sitting just under the skin) and nodules (hard, painful lumps under the skin).

How to clear teenage acne in two easy steps

Step 1 – 808 Dude Zit Free Face Wash for Teens

Zit free face wash for teenage acne

This face wash is easily applied with the fingers and rinsed off with warm water. Applied preferably twice a day, but at least once a day, this face wash uses Aloe Vera and botanicals like guarana and ginseng to nourish and soothe the skin. It also contains Lavender (used to calm irritated and damaged skin) and Tea Tree oil (an amazing antiseptic). These are carefully combined with a range of other natural ingredients to create a face wash which meets the needs of a teenage boy’s ever changing skin.

Step 2 – 808 Dude Clear Skin Spot Free Gel

Clear skin Spot Free Gel for clearing pimples and teenage acne

This is the final step. Specifically formulated for persistent acne and those nasty red spots. This gel works quickly to dry up pimples and reduce inflammation. The secret to its healing powers lies in the combination of Manuka Honey and Sweet Almond Oil along with Argan oil (to moisturise and hydrate). Manuka honey decreases inflammation of the skin and has anti-bacterial properties which helps reduce infection. Sweet Almond Oil is packed with Vitamin A and E. Vitamin E helps to keep skin cells healthy while Vitamin A actively fights against acne by cleaning out pores.

The effects of this gel can be seen quickly- just what teenagers want! 

These products have been developed using natural ingredients that have been known for their extraordinary benefits for the skin. These ingredients have proven their worth and have been shown not to have any adverse side effects (individual allergies excluded), encouraging healthy and radiant looking skin.

The formidable combination of these four products provides a simple natural routine of skin care and hygiene for your teenage son. Packaged in a way that appeals to teenage boys, gives excellent quick results and is totally natural. 808 Dude has answered the calls of many parents searching for skin and hygiene care for their teenage son.

Exclusively for the readers of Australian Mum, 808 Dude has organised a 20% off sale for our entire range. You had better hurry, this deal starts today and ends 10th July, 2019!

Use the code: Special20 at check out for your awesome deal!

Keen to know more? Head over to ‘808 Dude’ to view our other products and grab some amazing natural skincare for your son’s ever changing, teenage skin.

Looking for more resources, tips and tricks for raising kids? Check out some of our other parenting articles HERE.

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