Dear Logan Paul. Daily Vlogs Are Over.

Logan Paul announced at the end of April that he is ending regular updates on his popular daily vlogging channel.

Logan Paul states he wants to “Diversify Bro”.

I’m sure it has nothing to do with the demonitization and suspension of advertising revenue on his videos *sarcasm*.

“If anyone is going to end my career, okay, it’s going to be me”

As per usual Logan Paul click baited his entire audience into thinking his YouTube channel was coming to an end. Most likely making a tidy sum in the process.

The Maverick Movement Is Real…Bro.

Logan won’t be ending his Vlog, he will simply cease to upload daily which is unsustainable for most Youtube stars.

Unless you are the King….*cough Pewdiepie*

While building a subscriber base of 17 million, Logan Paul has received widespread backlash for his insensitivity and obnoxious behaviour in recent months.

On the last day of 2017, YouTube star Logan Paul posted a video of a dead body in Aokigahara, more commonly known as Japan’s “suicide forest.” The vlog followed Paul and his friends as they encountered the body of a man who, like hundreds of others, had taken his own life in the popular tourist destination.

In between Paul’s comments about the seriousness of suicide, the camera zooms in on various parts of the body, while Paul occasionally cracks jokes or laughs. – The Verge

The video sparked an outrage which led to the internet launching defensive missiles in the form of open letters and Vlogs towards Logan.

It’s not the only thing viewers disgusted in, Logan’s entire trip to Japan wreaked of pure disrespect for the countries culture.

Logan has since delivered an apology and a well planned out “Suicide: Be Here Tomorrow” campaign, the star has still gone on to create content that is continually red flagged by Youtube for ad suspension.

Personally as a parent his daily content won’t be missed. I am very open about how flexible I am with the content I allow my kids to watch, but Logan Paul just reaches a whole new level of douchebag.

Sayonara Bro!

My Open Letter Below Published @ Sandwiches & Psych Meds

Dear Logan Paul,

I have a son who aspires to be confident and outgoing, just like you. Through the filter of YouTube, you easily paint the picture of a guy who gets to spend his life being a loud, obnoxious douchebag—with no repercussions. For any teen preparing to be an adult, your life would seem like a dream. The truth is this life of yours is unattainable by most. We all know only a few make it through, most propelled by rich parents and famous connections.

I expect your “Logangers” would be quite triggered by what I’m about to say; they might call me a snowflake or even worse.

Your first apology was half-assed, self-centered and full of excuses.

I was so pleased to see that you said sorry until I read your tweet.

I have to wonder if you were raised in an emotional desert. You seem to be incapable of a response with genuine empathy and horror for what you did. Your lack of self awareness is disturbing.

Your second apology came so late.

This leaves me thinking you are sorry, not for what you did, but for what is at stake. So sorry.

Thankfully, I spotted the news before my preteen stumbled on your video. I can’t protect my child from everything, but I can have a conversation to prepare him. Thanks for making that part of raising a young boy, with a deceased father, a little more difficult.

It’s devastating to lose a loved one to mental health issues. Do you know what it takes to explain to a child why they have a single surviving parent?

No, of course, you don’t.

All I can say is that it’s a heart-shattering job. It’s a responsibility that nobody should have sitting on their shoulders. One day you might have to deal with it. You will then understand. You will take it seriously. You won’t laugh. It’s no longer a “coping strategy” when it’s someone you loved deeply.

For a little while, your world will turn grey. You will suffer feelings of guilt. You will ask yourself if you could have done more.

So, Logan Paul, Disney Boy and YouTube “Celebrity,” you can understand how people like me feel.

You can understand how people like myself feel.

You took on the responsibility on of “raising awareness” in a 15 minute video of a dead body hanging from a tree, a few jokes and laughs – in a very stupid fucking hat.

You took on the responsibility of “raising awareness” in a 15-minute video of a dead body hanging from a tree, a few jokes and laughs, and a very stupid fucking hat. Oh, wait…I’m being interrupted… *Cue whiny Logangers*


“But he didn’t plug his merch.” No…no, he didn’t plug his merch. He just wore it. Into Japan’s suicide forest. Where people go to die.

“But he didn’t monetize the video.” Yeah, totally makes it less confusing for those affected by suicide. Is the de-monetize button also a cure for cancer?

“He made a mistake.” Making “a mistake” implies a single error. Logan Paul kickstarted with the mistake of wearing his merch accompanied with a CHILD’s hat into Japan’s Suicide Forest. Then he continued to film a dead man’s body with no regard or respect for the possibility he had a family waiting for him to come home. News is now unfolding that this man may have been a teenage boy.


He continued to laugh and kept up his cringy, overdramatic statements, watched his team laugh, edited it, posted it, and then created the worst apology in YouTube history. I think that’s enough excuses from misguided #logangersforlife.

So, Logan:

You received 6 million views in the short time your video was trending. Your channel spiked enormously. This is around 2 million more than your average piece of content gets in a 3 week period. While you say that video wasn’t monetized, the effect of people watching your other videos and “trying to find” the now-removed version may have made you a tidy sum.

Your money isn’t required for what I have in mind.

I challenge you, Logan Paul. You told viewers, like my child, that you will “be there” for them. Will you?

If the time comes, will he be able to contact you? Will you console him when he discusses why he doesn’t have a father at home? Will you console each and every person that you triggered? Each person you hurt? Every person who thought they were strong enough for your content, but ended up in deep sadness?

Your demographic are so easily influenced, they probably think you were for real, boi.

When you said you’d be there, did you mean in spirit? Or in, like, hashtags? #logangersforlife #logangarmy #itseverydaybro We both know that is some real sugar-coated bullshit at the end of a video that put you trending on every platform.

I don’t want to see your career destroyed. I want you to show your audience there’s room for change. You can be entertaining without being a total dickwad. Stop selling out with your clickbait bullshit at the expense of our kids.

I challenge you, Logan Paul, to actually be there.

For those truly suffering, don’t lean on influencers. Lean on professionals and the people around you who are within reach. Pick up the phone and call someone who will answer. Speak to your local mental health service and connect with a person who trained specifically to help and make a difference. I’m not telling you because I have to, I’m telling you because I have been there and called on these services before.


If you believe Logan Paul just “made a mistake” and “didn’t think about what he was doing”, he actually did. He stated that he deliberated over this content with his editor for hours – and still decided to post it with laughing and jokes (which could have been cut out). I think Kavos makes a great point HERE

For those truly suffering, don’t lean on Influencers.

Lean on professionals and the people around you who are within reach. Pick up the phone and call someone who will answer.

Speak to your local mental health service and connect with a person who trained specifically to help and make a difference. Im not telling you because I have to, Im telling you because I have been there and called on these services before.

Need help right now? Call 13 14 15 Immediately

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