Venezuelan photographer Yaky Di Roma comforted her non-verbal autistic son Hans by breastfeeding him at his request.

The photo has broken the internet because it’s striking to see a mother breastfeed in public while wearing an evil cosplay costume, but this story is much deeper than just wanting to take pretty pictures: “He needs me,” said Yaky of why she continues doing so regardless of others’ opinions and social taboos surrounding women breastfeeding outside their homes.

The thing that struck me the most about Yaky’s story is that she mentioned people ask her why she still breastfeeds.  It’s perfectly natural for a mother to choose to breastfeed for an extended period of time.

Yaky is often told she looks like Maleficent, the vengeful fairy who is driven to curse an infant princess.  So she dressed up as Maleficent and shot a series of photos, one which has captured a huge amount of attention from the internet.

As a mother raising a child with an Autism diagnosis, Yaky’s story resonates with many who understand the challenges and joys of parenting a neurodivergent child.

Her decision to celebrate motherhood through cosplay becomes a symbol of empowerment, demonstrating that mothers can embrace their passions and individuality while caring for their children’s unique needs..

You can read more about the sweet story behind this mum’s cosplaying breastfeeding photo in an article at HuffPost .

Yaky Di Roma | Instagram

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