3 Ingredient Essential Oil Shower Melts

How To Make Shower Melts With 3 Ingredients

Shower Melts are little blocks of love that melt with the steam in your shower and help clear your airways.

I’ve also found Shower Melts to be beneficial in promoting a great mood to start the day with.

Grab one on your way to a morning shower and give it a try!


1 cup baking soda

1/4 cup distilled water

25 drops of essential oil


add 1 cup baking soda to a glass mixing bowl

add 1/4 Cup of Distilled water, use more if you need to but be mindful that the mix shouldn’t be sloppy.

Mix it up!

Add essential oils, Mix thoroughly.

Scoop into molds (I use silicone/steel bath bomb molds or an Ice tray)

Press down firmly on the mixture so it’s compacted

Dry overnight in the molds

Dry overnight in the molds

Pop out of the moulds the next day and store in a sealed jar in a dry place.

Shower Time! Place one of the floor of the shower and let the aroma travel with the steam.

Shower Melts After Being Popped Out Of Mould


Have you got a herb garden? You can also add fresh herbs, sea salt or other natural ingredients like dried rose petals.

I would only use herbs if you are planning to use up your melts pretty quickly. Un-dried herbs/petals put moisture back into the melts and make them crumble.

Other Essential Oil Combination Ideas:

  • Easy Air
  • Thyme, lime & Eucalyptus
  • Cedarwood, Rosemary, Wild Orange & Frankincense
  • Lemon & Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint, Eucalyptus & Lavender
  • Rosemary, Eucalyptus & Lavender
  • Citrus Bliss & Peppermint
8 thoughts on “3 Ingredient Essential Oil Shower Melts”
  1. Just gave this a go with Rosemary, Eucalyptus and Lavender 😊 looking forward to see how they turn out tomorrow

    1. Depending on the weather, you may need a longer drying time. I haven’t had them crumble before, but my mould isn’t entirely silicone. Its semi hard plastic so you can pack them very tight.

    1. You can always tip them out and add more baking soda before they dry if you’re worried they wont turn out 🙂

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