Diffuser Jewelry Australia – Buying Your Jewellery Online

Lava Stone is a stylish and affordable natural stone, it is also porous, allowing the added ability to apply essential oils on to the beads to diffuse your favorite oils.

With your finger or a cotton bud, rub your favorite pure essential oil on your lava beads before putting on your jewelry. If you find this messy you can try an Atomiser bottle to spray your oils on. Be sparing, you will not need a full spray. I suggest diluting your Atomiser with FC oil so you don’t end up with an overpowering scent.

Let the oils to soak in for a few minutes.

If you have applied too much oil wipe your beads with a dry cloth.  Alternatively, if you have other bracelets you would like to oil up, put them in a Zip-Lock bag with your bracelet that has too much, let them soak up the excess.

The longer you allow the oils to absorb, the longer your aroma will last, which is why the zip lock bag for a little while is great! Just don’t leave them in the bags for a prolonged period of time as they may sweat in the warm Australian weather.

Your diffuser bracelet may appear shiny for a little while after the oil absorbs.

How To Clean Your Diffuser Jewellery

While you can use soapy warm water on your Lava Stones, this is not advised for jewellery with alloy spacers. 

My personal recommendation is to invest in more than one bracelet and keep them in velvet pouches tagged, this way you have a choice of oils to wear without constantly washing your bracelets to pop a different type of oil on.

You will see some places just telling you to chuck your bracelets in the wash, most are elastic and it’s the equivalent of taking a shower with them on – which is not advised. 

Caring For Your Diffuser Jewellery 

If you want your lava beads to last, avoid wearing your jewelry while showering, sleeping, swimming, and exercising. The sweat from your body contribute to the break down of the Lava Stones, Chlorine is obviously, even worse.

Store your jewelry in a clean dry box, avoid leaving them in the bathroom as steam will slowly contribute to the break down of your Lava Stones.

Diffuser Jewellery Australia

Kate Shelby supplies Diffuser Jewellery in Australia.

Essential Oil Diffuser Jewellery is a beautiful option for wearing your oils, without constantly reapplying them directly to the skin.

We supply a unique Essential Oil Diffuser Jewellery Box which contains 1x Diffuser Bracelet or Pendant and a 2ml sample bottle of Essential Oil.

The Diffuser Jewellery box is rotated every three months so repeat customers can be assured they will receive a different product each time they buy.

To purchase a Diffuser Jewellery Box, please visit HERE.