How To Make Your Own Rooster Roll.

How To Make Your Own Rooster Roll.

The Make Your Own Rooster Roll is possibly the greatest invention on the internet. Many discussions have taken place on how to make this roll. The Rooster Roll, from Red Rooster, is a national treasure.

Legend has it, that this glorified chicken and mayo roll will cure your hangover and your hunger after just one bite. Unfortunately, most of us are on a good budget after having kids, so you are going to have to make one at home.

Crucial Ingredients:

  • Mayonnaise
  • Hot Dog Roll (Sesame Seeded for the full experience)
  • Shredded Roasted Chook (stuffing optional)

Very Important Method:

Do not just put mayo and chicken on the roll.

That’s a chicken and mayo roll. We are civilised people here.

You must heat the chicken to burn your mouth off temperature and then MIX the chicken WITH the mayonnaise (not the whole egg bs kind).

Once this is done, carefully arrange this into your buttered roll and stuff your face, wash it down with coke and wait for remorse and regret to sink in.

Tip: For maximum Red Rooster Roll experience, heat the roll, chick and mayo mix all at once. Be cautious though, may burn hands off.

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2 thoughts on “How To Make Your Own Rooster Roll.”
    1. If you’re a gourmet chef, why would you need a blog article to make a chicken roll 😂 Thanks for taking the time to make yourself look stupid.

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