Kids Science Activities often involve a lot of planning. Not with these! These pre-boxed activity packs make science activities easier to organize.
I have three kids who love messy explosions. When activities are preboxed with instructions, I find it reduces the chaos a little, especially when chemistry is involved.
Fun, educational and quality kids science activities from Toy Universe.
The majority of these science-based activities have recipe books included, you can use them to make lots of different concoctions.
Toy Universe is very competitive with pricing, which surprised me. I love to support different Australian businesses, however with three kids – our spending budget is always on my mind.
The Squishy Brain
Do you have a child who loves playing doctors? The Squishy Brain provides some serious pretend play! Your child can build a brain, then pick it apart using the “Brain Surgery” utensils provided.
This neat kids science activity includes a fantastic educational booklet.
You can also get the entire Brain & Body set HERE
Zombie Jelly Workshop
Nom Nom Nom, Brainnnzzzzz.
Kids LOVE making gross squishy fun. This kit takes the work out of food-based science activities, all you need to buy is some Jelly Crystals, condensed milk, and Gelatine.
Don’t worry if your child can’t have condensed milk, we created ours with AND without – both worked out wiggle, squishy and yummy.
Zombie Jelly Workshop comes with a quality jelly mould that creates hearts, brains, eyeballs, Jellified fingers, ears and maggots
Glow In The Dark Kids Science Lab
Glow In The Dark Kids Science lab has lots of activities, including glow in the dark bouncy balls, invisible ink, jellies and more. The activities are quite simple and easy to do.
The Glow In The Dark Science Lab does a great job at incorporating STEAM in a box filled with activities that keep the kids entertained for a lengthy period of time.
Sugar Sweet Candy Science Lab
This one was a hit! Experiment with different sugar concoctions. This science kit is complete with a sugar lab set, including test tubes, droppers, gummy molds and more.
The highlight? Being able to mix concoctions with…you guessed it… SUGAR!
The booklet included has so many different activities, we couldn’t possibly show them all.

The Beating Heart
Recreate a beating heart using this pre-boxed science activity kit. It contains everything you need to set up and simulate a beating heart. This kit is educational, fun and makes a great follow up activity from the “Squishy Brain” box.
The kit includes two fake heart chambers, red powdered coloring, skin powder, liquid skin, balloons, rubber bands, tubing, a ‘Donor organ box’ and “how to make a heart” instructions.

Science Activity Boxes VS DIY Home Science Experiments
DIY is great! But do you have the time to Pinterest for long periods of time to find ideas, instructions and organize all of the equipment you need?
I often find by the time I have organized a list of activities from scratch, I’ve spent more money than an activity box. It can be hard tracking items down too, test tubes and droppers aren’t exactly on the shelves at Coles or Woolies.
Something else to note is that these boxes come with lots of different recipes, more than I could ever find on Pinterest. The extra ingredients needed at the store are very basic and available at any major chain store.
Rinse off your equipment and put it back in the box, you will get plenty of uses out of them. Hey, you might even be able to pass them down to younger siblings or onto friends.
These 5 Kids Science Activities Are Great For Homeschool
I recommend investing in kids science activities for your Science/Health modules. I am a homeschooler myself, so I know what it’s like to preplan and find new ideas to get kids excited about learning.
We found the Squishy Brain and Beating Heart activity to be a valuable resource. Activities that are boxed and ready to go make things a little easier for the educator,
Finding The Right Kids Science Activities
Check the age range on anything you purchase first.
Anything that requires mixing of chemicals will need parental supervision. All of the kits mentioned are fairly easy to use, my children range from 7 – 13 years of age.
What motivates your child to learn? Do they love sensory play?
Do they like hands-on construction, Chemistry and Potion Mixing, Do they love creating things in the kitchen? … There is something at Toy Universe for everyone.