Kids Swearing & Offensive Chickens

 Kids Swearing – Chicken Is A Swear Word

Caught your kids swearing? Ever wondered who invented swear words and decided which are offensive?

This isn’t your typical mom blog. I’m far from perfect at parenting—just hanging on by a thread of love.

“Profane” comes from Latin “profanus,” and I stumbled upon some fascinating research about swear words. Sharing my story turned into a history lesson. 🤣

Over the years, I’ve had plenty of calls from childcare and school about my handful of a son. Delightful or demonic, his determination is admirable.

All kids can be manipulative to avoid trouble. I wasn’t shocked when my son got time out about 5 years ago. Now, it makes me laugh.

Chicken Phone Call

Phone: Ring ring. Ring ring.

Me: Hello. Kate Speaking

Kindergarten Teacher: Hi Kate, I’m going to ask you to pick up Ryan but first I’ll have a chat to you.

Me: Oh OK (acts surprised) What has he done this time? (acts totally not surprised)

Kindergarten Teacher: Well it’s the swearing…well sort of…

Me: What????? He’s swearing!!!!!!

Kindergarten Teacher: Well, hang on. Technically he isn’t actually swearing. We have figured out that he’s actually using the word “chicken” every time he wants to say a swear word. Mostly “f**kin…..

Me: *life flashing before my eyes suddenly it all makes sense to me now*……Oh. OK yep, I see how that could be happening, I’ll be there soon.

This Is One Of Many Mother Of The Year Moments.

Shit. She’s right”. In that moment I realised the past few months had been full of my son telling me to chicken right off. I’m a chicken head. Chicken sick of this chicken… it’s SO OBVIOUS. (In hindsight)

Some people might not think it’s a big deal but apparently when requested he stop saying chicken so much he got really chickened off. His chicken rights were not going to be violated.

Your kid’s swearing doesn’t stop overnight and then before you know it, they are almost 18 years old.

Can we go back to when the F word was actually chicken? We are still trying to make progress in the swear word department…. but he’s almost an adult now. 🤣

Can I just say though I’m very proud of my son even if he is occasionally a little sweary? He’s come a long way, were not striving for perfection. We’re striving for progress.

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