Magnetic Shapes, High Quality Australian Product From Amazon
The Magnetic Shapes, Building and Construction Kits are a fantastic learning tool.
Today we are using magnetic Shapes to promote STEM education at home.
I’m particularly passionate about toys like these, I have seen first hand what a huge difference play based therapy and education have made in my home.
The Magnetic Shapes we are using in this review are from Laetor Toys, on Amazon. They are high quality and come in the plastic storage box.
I have included a 25% Discount code at the bottom of this review.

How can a toy combine science, technology, engineering, and math?
When using the Magnetic shapes, planning, knowledge and problem solving are all present. These are part of the STEM learning elements.
Throughout the course of play, children problem solve using planning, balancing techniques, counting, matching geometrical shapes and more.
This product is also easy to use and can be enjoyed for all ages. The hand and motor skill level needed for these makes them an easy product to play with.
This makes magnetic shapes a perfect activity in a therapy toy room.
It’s highly rewarding for a child struggling with their motor skills to achieve successful construction. This leads to the strength in confidence required to tackle bigger things!
This is why I own a combination of larger handling toys (Magnet tiles, large foam blocks and puzzles) and finer handling toys (LEGO, Knex).
Products like the Magnetic Shapes (also referred to as magnetic tiles) have been played with by all of my children who range from 6 – 11 years old. I may have even had a little play with them myself.

Magnetic Shapes are also very creative!
Creativity is an essential part of innovation. This is where our STEM turns into STEAM.
Creating a colourful castle: ARTISTIC!
I highly recommend this product, you can purchase a 32 Piece Set from Laetor Toys on Amazon.
Use the discount code AUSMUM25 to receive 25% off your order.