Parenting LOLs: Hilarious Moments You’ll Never Forget

The Moments That Make Parenting Funny

I have been going through some of our old photos today and came across a few photos reminded me of the moments that make parenting funny. Particularly phases my kids have been through. Some of them I would have been tearing my hair out at the time but now I can laugh.

The moments that make parenting funny are often things that are said and we can’t capture them on camera because they are in the moment.

It seems even though some of my photos are things that I dreaded at the time I still documented them because I knew years down the track I would be able to show my kids that just like other kids – they were brats sometimes too.

I have photos of pouty faces and nappy cream disasters. Tantrums over the wrong colour socks, wedgie butts and every time they fell asleep in their high chair. That’s just a glimpse of parenting though isn’t it overall.

Some moments that have made my time in parenting funny …

The Underpant Bandits.

Whether its playing cops and robbers, pirates or circus tricks….underpants on the head always seems to work as an appropriate costume.

I’m not going to say at the time this was an “Oh this made parenting funny” moment.

This particular stage that most kids seem to go through – when they get into EVERYTHING – drove me nuts. Especially with my third child. I couldn’t turn my back for long and she would be inside a cupboard or pulling things out of draws.

Child safety locks weren’t much of a blessing either because she figured almost every one I tried out within no time. But I can laugh about it now.

This seemed to be what happened when my oldest child would be concentrating but excited at the same time.

His mouth would just be wide open. It looks like he’s saying something…..nope….mouth is just wide open in a kind of “Holy crap…trying to concentrate….this is so awesome” way.

I call it the “Catching flies” phase because he would do it for so long I’m surprised he didn’t end up with bugs in his mouth more often.

3 thoughts on “Parenting LOLs: Hilarious Moments You’ll Never Forget”
  1. LOL the ‘catching flies’ stage – I am there now. Not at all looking forward to my 11 month old transitioning into the ‘getting into everything’ stage but the ‘underpants on our head’ stage looks kinda entertaining haha. Thanks for the giggle :).

    1. Ohhhh yes. That stage was particularly long for my youngest. She just had to touch EVERYTHINGGGGGGG. She is now 4 and finally over it. Thanks for reading x

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