I have a really tall child.
I’ve already experienced “really tall child” scenarios that have required some problem solving in our home.
This isn’t medical advice, and everyones parenting experiences are different. Hopefully at the least, a few parents out there might be punching the air saying “YASSSSS GURL, I Feel you with them tall child vibes”.
You aren’t alone. When it comes to having a tall child, I too have first world problems.
Skip The Double Quilt
If your tall child is in a double bed:
Go straight for the Queen size. If your child is taller, or almost as tall as you, think about that for a moment. Would you use a double quilt in winter? Their feet will be sticking out of the end in no time.
In a Single Bed:
In hindsight, for a single bed, I wish I had bought double quilts. I saw a great tip recently about using a double quilt sideways on a single bed, as it’s easier to make by having a decent amount of quilt left to flip under the mattress.

Food. So much food.
We know as our kids grow, they can often have an insatiable appetite. I find my “tall” child’s growth spurts are far more intense than my other kids. I try to make sure I have leftovers in the fridge like spaghetti bolognaise and plenty of sandwich fillings that aren’t just spreads.
People Will Assume Things
“He must be good at basketball”….”I bet he is a good swimmer”. Tall children are not automatically gifted at sports. Think before you answer these questions in front of your child.
Don’t announce he/she has two left feet. If someone asks, just say “Yeah, he’s pretty good with a ball” or “Oh yeah, Im sure he would be but he is far more interested in xyz”
Insecurities & Feelings About Being a Tall Child
Its normal for kids to feel insecure at times. Being tall doesn’t always feel like a blessing. Children who are much taller than their peers may feel awkward, especially in the early teens when their bodies are still developing.
Talk to them about it. Remember, they are kids. They may not appreciate you telling them how cool and tall you think Ian Thorpe or Machine Gun Kelly is.
Just support them and make sure they know you are in their corner.
Clothing a Really Tall Child
Sizing can be a nightmare for your uber tall kid. They may fit the waist of a 14, but the pants are still too short. Drawstring and adjustable pants are your friend.
These can be expensive, especially in quality, brand name clothing. It’s important for your tall kid to have clothing that fits them, nobody wants to be the kid with the awkwardly short hems on their pants.
I hit the second hand shops as much as possible. Stores like Endeavour carry clean, quality brands at a fraction of the new price. This means our clothing budget goes much further, and my tall child isn’t wearing poorly sized Kmart clothing.
If you don’t have great second hand stores, stores like Jay Jays and TK Maxx stock adjustable jeans and cargo pants in size XXS Mens. EB Games also stock Mens XS Shirts and during their bi annual sales, these are as low as $4.
People Will Mistake Them As Older
My 13 year old son is often mistaken for as old as 16 – 17. This doesn’t bother me. He can carry a conversation with older teens and adults.
What does irritate me a little is when I have to prove his age for ticketed events. Most of the time I just pay for him as an adult, but when there is a huge price difference, I make sure I take his birth certificate with me.

They take up a lot of room.…
I mean this in the nicest of ways….
Suddenly your teenager takes up the whole couch. Their arms span the width of your small kitchen and they have to sit in the front seat of the car for maximum comfort …it can take some time to get used to.
Be prepared in the early days for those arms to knock a lot of cups over. There seems to be a period where my teenager just couldn’t manage all of that arm and leg action, he’s settled into his body now.
They May Tower Over You
I am 163cm (5’3 ft) and my 13 year old boy is taller than me already. It’s a point of humor in our home. I will be honest though, it has made me have to rethink my discipline strategy over the years.
When your child is already bigger than you, they quickly learn they have a physical advantage. It’s one of the main reasons we try to keep things peaceful and talk things out when there is an issue. Otherwise, it’s like two adults yelling at each other.
If You Are Concerned About Your Child’s Growth
It does not hurt to get a medical opinion. If you regularly visit your GP for child health checks, they will inform you of the height and weight range your child is in.
It is, unfortunately, common for a really tall child to be told they are in a weight range that is considered underweight. This is something your doctor will (hopefully) provide assurance and advice on.
Children can have growth disorders which affect height, so it’s important to inform your doctor if you are concerned.