Refund & Returns

How do I cancel my order?

Unfortunately once you have submitted an order we will not be able to cancel it after checkout, as orders are processed automatically.

Am I Able To Get A Refund?

Please contact us within 30 days of receiving your item or digital product. We will then organise for the item to be returned.

Once the item is returned you will receive a full refund.

Under the Australian Consumer Law, you are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major problem.  These rights apply to both physical or digital products as well as digital services.

These statutory rights cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. More information about your rights under the consumer guarantees provisions of the Australian Consumer Law can be found at this website:


My Item Hasn’t Arrived Yet?

Items take up to 30 Days to arrive depending only your location. Our products are sent from two different warehouses, both in China. During periods such as the Chinese New Year or Christmas Holidays, your mail may take longer. We do not import and then export to keep the costs down for customers. If at any point you cannot track your item, please let us know.

I have emailed you, you haven’t replied!

Please give 24 hours for a reply. Usually it’s much sooner! However time zones must be taken into account. So if you email us and it’s the middle of the night for staff, you will get a reply in the morning, YAY!