Who The Hell Am I? What Makes Me An Expert?
I’m not an expert! That’s why I started this blog.
Backtrack a few years ago and I made a decision to change my career.
I started with a WordPress Free blog a little over 2 years ago.
When I realised, YASSS! This is what I love!!
I jumped onto self-hosting a new blog called Australian Mum.
I started to meet people in all kind of circles on the internet.
I started applying my skills from 13 years in business to helping others.
I now contract my services to others and I have successfully changed my career.
What Do I Say When Someone Asks Me What I Do?
That’s been a tricky one for a long time. I seem to be the person who is paid to sit in the shadows and provide practical & realistic solutions when the shit hits the fan.
I don’t like being in the spotlight, this is something I’m working on. I really love high fives in the back room with my team.
So while I’m not an expert at one specific thing, I have a broad range of skills and form connections wherever I go.
An Overview Of What I Do
I run an Eccomerce store here!
I am in online community management.
I owned an eBay power seller store for many years, I continue to tinker with that.
I create digital resources that solve other peoples problems.
I manage Influencer Campaigns for small business.
I do basic SEO and build blogs that create income through advertising revenue.
Why is a “Valued Connection” worth money?
The blogging industry harbours a lot of bullshit. A lot of unrealistic promises.
There’s also over-delivering when it’s not needed, which burns good people out.
It’s really important to know your skills and what they are worth.
One of my many talents is to talk people off the ledge when they are having a meltdown behind the keyboard.
I guess you could say I have monetized the delivery of perspective.
How does one contact me?
The best way to contact me is on Social Media. Simply send a message to my shiny new Facebook Page.
From here I will supply you my email and we can work together.