8 Social Media Strategy Trends That Dominated 2018

Social Media Strategy Trends In 2018.

Social Media Strategy is changing after 2018 revealed many changes.

In late 2016 Facebook turned the tables on Snapchat with it’s release of stories to Instagram.

Since then, Instagram’s algorithm changes resemble the same tragic cut to organic reach on Facebook.

With 2018 creeping past us, you can be sure of one thing…

Social Media continues to evolve.

1. AR, VR & User Experiences

The rise of AR & VR experience continues with the iPhone X offering Augemented Reality Experience as an inbuilt feature.

As the tech of the future gains momentum, it’s popularity will eventually see features being incorporated into social media strategy.

The Oculus Go was released with an announcement of the Oculus Quest coming in 2019. These systems are all in one option, making VR accessible to those without expensive gaming systems.

Think VR is for teenagers? This is a common misconception. Environments like AltspaceVR are full of adults discussing entrepreneurship, developing and more.

2. Instagram Story Takeover

The Instagram Storie feature has been the death of Snapchat by comparative standards. While 50 Million users still enjoy the Snapchat platform, Instagram has put a cog in the wheel of Snapchats rising success. 

IG Stories is just over 12 months old.

Over 200 million people use the Storie feature each month.  

Brands looking to connect with users can take advantage of the “Swipe Up” feature but more importantly, Instagram is now implementing store features and it’s own payment platform. 

Marketers know one of their biggest challenges is getting a user to leave the platform in order to make a conversion. This will no longer be necessary with the new changes.

The pending introduction of these features have already been regarded as a “game changer” amid discussions between leading social media strategy providers.

3. Influencer Market – Should You Invest?

Despite social media algorithms strangulating organic reach, Influencer Marketing is still alive and kicking.

Influencer Marketing offers flexible campaigns, including contra deals which a lot of smaller influencers with high engagement are happy to accept.

Influencer Marketing offers a different style of audience connection than a traditional advertisement.

Utilizing an influencer to market your product is also considered as an endorsement, which can carry a brand’s message a long way.

With platforms like Tribe and The Right Fit experiencing a huge amount of growth, Influencer marketing is still regarded as a successful social media strategy for both branding and sales. 

You do not have to use an influencer hiring platform to get involved, you can vet influencers yourself by asking whoever you are interested in to provide a media kit, which should contain basic analytics and price to consider before hiring.

4. Gen Z Are Becoming Your Customers

Millennials are now the biggest working generation while many Baby Boomers are hitting retirement age.

Gen Z has grown up with new age technology readily available.

They are quick on the pulse of popular culture and trends move faster than ever.

Marketers are starting to market differently in order to appeal to the Gen Z culture now that a good percentage of this audience manages their own finances. 


5. Messaging Bots, Paving The Way For AI

Generally speaking a bot is any software that performs an automated task.

With messaging bot platforms like ManyChat, the process of funnelling a customer to a product source or supplying them information is easier.

The applications are becoming smarter, with AI being introduced. 

Conversational ChatBots are already being rolled out in the online marketplace. 

The real question is, will the AI bots of the future have the potential to automate even more for your business?

My opinion is yes. So start learning the basics now.

6. Live Streaming Isn’t Just A Fad

Live Streaming is a valuable part of a brands social media strategy. More  business owners have utilised the live streaming feature as a regular way to promote their products on Facebook.

Live Streaming is a way for a brand to soften the lines of traditional ads and connect with an audience on a personal level. 

7. Twitter Is Dead….However

Twitter has been left for dead….however….

Don’t give up just yet. Keep your toe in the water, especially if you have a brand which aligns well with the Twittersphere.

If Twitter sells and the social media platform does turnaround (I know, it will take some innovative features never done before)….

You will wish you had of at least made an account before the changes. Secure your business names, even if you don’t actively use the service.

8. Facebook Groups & Tight Communities

Facebook Groups enjoyed a massive boost in 2017.

Groups didn’t get completely battered by Facebooks algorithm until early 2018. They still are an easier method to achieve growth than a Facebook Page. 

You won’t see many corporate brands jump on the group bandwagon. This is great for the small business owners as groups remain unsaturated by huge players in the game.

If you have great content and value to offer, you can achieve an intense amount of growth using Facebook groups. 

Facebook Groups are not over and will still be relative to your 2019 Social Media strategy. 

Give your community a group they can’t live without. 

What Does All Of This Mean For Internet & Social Media Strategy?

VR, AI….Chat Bots. Algorithm changes…It’s a lot to take in.

You don’t have to do all of it, but you should have a key focus in a couple of areas.

If you look at the big names in social media, you will see a common factor between them.

They were all there on the pulse when the next big thing blew up.

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