Coding For Kids At Code Camp – Can A Child Code With A Learning Disability?

Coding For Kids At Code Camp

Can A Child Code With A Learning Disability? Of Course, They Can!

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Code Camp. They were awesome enough to offer one of my kids to go along to a 3 Day Coding workshop in Carindale, South Brisbane.

I offered to review and post the feedback on Australian Mum and my readers – That’s you right now! – might be interested.

What Is Code Camp?

Code Camp is a 3 – 5 Day workshop where your child will learn the basics of coding. By the time the camp ends they will finish an APP which can then run on their iPad.

Anyone with the shareable URL can play it. If your child plays games like Flappy bird and is intrigued by how they are made, CODE CLASS!

I sent mini resident reviewer, Ryan, along.

Since he is fairly tech-obsessed I figured it was a suitable choice. Deep in my gut however I always get terrible anxiety over my son going to things that require sitting, learning and remembering things.

Ryan has endured cancer treatment on a tumor, surgery, trauma, and stress in such a short life.

This has caused damage to his working memory and facial nerves.

Facing adversity is hard for any child and easily leads to low confidence.

Working memory is vital in problem-solving and remembering steps when dealing with math, number sequences and of course – coding. I worried for him, but I wanted him to have the opportunity to go, after all, this is why I started blogging!

On the first day of code camp, I sat by my phone,

I kept checking it constantly worried I had missed a phone call that he needed to come home. When I picked Ryan up I asked the Code Camp instructor if he had stayed calm for them. She said he had a couple of stressful moments but they were able to manage him well.

When you have a special needs child and you hear those words, that instructor is literally your hero for the rest of the afternoon. They recognised his difficulties, persevered and he had a good day. So I thank them for this and I’m proud to say they clearly are an accepting group of people.

Mentally Ryan was drained on the first day and didn’t want to talk about the Code Camp on the way home. Ryan is like an onion, it takes a while to peel back the layers.

By the time dinner came he was talking all about the things he did with his sisters. He spoke very proudly of the different actions he had chosen and the way his game was coming together.

Can A Child Code With A Learning Disability? I Say YES.

Ryan came home with a code camp hat which I’m really impressed with the Quality and a code camp shirt. It’s nice to see all of the kids in the same shirt, they are all in the same camp so to speak.

By the time Day 3 Of Code Camp came around Ryan was very excited and enthusiastic about the game he had created. When your child completes Code Camp they “Graduate” and receive a Code Camp medal which really reinforces that sense of achievement.

Once the kid’s graduate, the parents are sent an email with a link to there complete game. I was able to play my sons game when we arrived home. I needed his help with instructions as he is the one that created everything – I did not even know the controls.

This was a great way to spend some time together and allow him to teach me a thing or two!

You can have a look HERE at his game. It’s very tricky and only he knows how to get to the end. I still haven’t mastered it!

Code Camp Isn’t All Work & No Play

The kids at code camp get both lunch and recess. This allows them to let offf some steam and socialise with each other. The camp runs from 9 – 3.30pm and the location Ryan attended was very nice and easy to find.

Code Camp is for any child.

The classes range from Grade K – 7 however for older children you can still enquire about joining the Code Camp with a higher level of learning. Code Camp is held in SO many locations and growing all of the time, you can suggest a location if they currently don’t service your area.

I would recommend Code Camp to any parent, especially if your child has an interest in tech. You do NOT have to be talented academically to go to Code Camp, all children with various strengths can benefit from learning basic code.

Don’t be concerned about what will happen if your child becomes bored or won’t enjoy the coding experience. The Code Camp staff were fantastic with Ryan who has a tendency to become bored, even in the most exciting circumstances.

Ryan also suffers from mental fatigue and the Code Camp team were very understanding and got him through those three days without needing to call me at all.

How To Enrol In Code Camp

To find your nearest Code Camp visit the website. You can book from there and will be asked a few questions about your child in order to make their experience the best possible. All you need for Code Camp is a Lunchbox, Drink bottle and a Hat (and sunscreen).  Everything else is taken care of.

Thank You to the team at Code Camp!

You ended my sons year on a very high note.
Code Camp Website:
Code Camp Facebook: Code Camp

Disclosure: Australian Mum received no payment to write this review. Code Camp was provided to us so we could review. This is not a paid advertisement and all opinions are genuine feelings about the experience.

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