Take Your Own Product Images.
You don’t HAVE to be a professional photographer. You just need your smartphone!
You can make decent images using a smartphone.
Product photos have to be presentable. Sometimes creating a unique image (something that hasn’t been seen before) will help you stand out against the same stock photos that other brands use.
Some of the images below are available for FREE USE in my Facebook Group.

This goes for any product, sometimes the product is you!
I carry a Fisheye Lens and a Selfie light in my car at all times, while I rarely use them – having them pays off when lighting is really low.
(I also carry a GoPro Hero 6 – but Im vlogging nerd who loves to keep memories of everything I do. It has created some great content!)
In the home, I use two large photography lights. These fold away when Im not using them.

8 Tips For Taking Your Own Images
Tip 1: Face the light towards your product, but aim your smartphone downwards, on an angle, when taking photos so your arm shadow doesn’t appear in your final images.
Tip 2: Have you got an outdoor shoot? When taking pictures in public, don’t worry about what others think, if they aren’t in the photo what is it to them.

Tip 3: Experiment, I have taken some great images of products underwater (of course, they have to be waterproof items)
Tip 4: For 360 Social Media Pictures, use Panorama Mode and upload directly from your phone with the 360 option turned on.
Why not try the Facebook 3D mode if you have a newer model smartphone?
Tip 5: Are you an Essential Oil business owner? Save your empty bottles for when you want to create photographic content!.

Tip 6: To edit, use an app like Snapseed and wrap the entire shoot up on your phone to save time. This also costs less that a photoshop membership.
Tip 7: Transfer your entire shoot to a USB Stick, Dropbox and/or Google Drive for safekeeping.
Tip 8: Take more photos than you think you need! Trust me, in 4 months time you will wish you had variations for posting across social media platforms.

Bonus Tip: If you are really serious about creating a content bank for the next few months, consider a lighting kit and some flatlay props.
I often use props like Kmart placemats as backgrounds and my full lighting kit is from Aliexpress.
Want Full Access To Un-Watermarked Versions Of These Product Images?
The whole lot are available in HD including Printable flyers and ebooks at the Essential Oils Image Hub